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Get up 30 min earlier

focus planning May 20, 2019

Many times we complain that there’s not enough hours in a day to do everything we’d like to do or what’s on our To Do list.  But there’s a little secret that will help you feel very good throughout the day and that will help you achieve much more than what you are accomplishing right now.  This secret is, get up 30 minutes earlier.

Some of us have to set 5 or more alarms to be able to wake up and start doing our morning activities.  This is a sign that we have to make some changes to our routine to better take advantage of our mornings and to be more productive.

For many people, the early hours of the day tend to be the most productive, or of high efficiency.  It’s important to dedicate them to activities that will bring you greater benefits throughout the day.  There are not that many interruptions, it is easier to concentrate, and they allow you to do things that once the day really gets going and the flood of urgent and pending activities start up, it would be impossible to find the time to do them.

Getting up 30 minutes earlier can bring us great benefits like:

  • Having time to make a good breakfast: it is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the one that’s going to help us have a good level of energy all day long.  Many times when we are in a hurry we don’t take the time to have a complete breakfast or we only drink a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Exercising and/or meditating: it has been proven that it is more likely that people do their exercise in the morning when they feel rested, than after a full day of work and stress. Exercise, yoga and meditation in the mornings will help you wake up faster and get your systems started.  This will give you more energy and make you feel good the rest of the day.
  • Reading or listening to podcasts (keep learning): in the morning when you are fresh you retain more information and can stay concentrated for longer periods of time. Which makes anything that you read or hear easier to retain in your head.
  • Planning the rest of your day: if you get an early start and begin accomplishing your activities, it’ll set a different tempo for action that will motivate you to do more things and to complete more activities, it shortens your To Do list and therefore lowers your stress level.
  • Working on the project you feel passionate about for which it is hard to find the time during your day to day routine.

Other advantages of getting up earlier and get started on your activities are:

  1. The silence allows you to concentrate better
  2. Feeling fresher lets you have greater productivity
  3. You set the pace for work for the rest of the day
  4. There are not so many distractions
  5. There are no interruptions
  6. You can dedicate quality time to yourself

As we already mentioned, these are the hours of greatest productivity, therefore there are certain activities that we recommend you don’t do during the first hours of your day.

  • Watch the news: the news is full of negative situations that can affect our attitude for the rest of the day and distract us from important activities.
  • Look at social media: there are many things which are much more important that we can do during those hours and looking through social media during those hours will take up more much more of your time than you’d like to dedicate to this.
  • Check your email: it is an activity that is necessary to be up to date on important situations, but this can be your first task when you start your work day, spend the first few hours on activities that will help you reach your dreams and that will keep you in good shape physically and mentally.
  • Basic tasks: activities that don’t need your concentration are better done in the evening, since in the morning you are more likely to be successful with analytic activities or those that require you to concentrate deeply, and the more basic activities can be performed with no problem at any time of the day.

It is very important that we have enough time to rest so that we don’t exhaust our body, therefore if your plan is to start getting up earlier, you will have to take into account your sleep schedule and use those hours to sleep indeed. 

Here we offer you some suggestions to get up earlier:

Place your alarm clock away from your bed:  this will make you have to get up to turn it off

Move: it goes hand in hand with the previous one, once you are up to turn the alarm off don’t go back to bed, seize the opportunity to leave your room, jump start your body and start your activities.

Drink a glass of water when you wake up: this will send a signal to your body that the day has started and will help activate your body.

Go to bed early so that you sleep at least 7 hours: this way, you will feel rested and it won’t be so hard to get up.

Don’t look at your cell phone before going to sleep:  often we waste too much time on the cell phones and the light of the screen creates difficulty when trying to fall asleep.  When it’s time to sleep set aside all technology, relax, be thankful for the good things of your day and allow yourself to rest. 

Remember that time is our most valuable asset, once it passes we cannot get it back and you cannot buy any more of it.  If you want to have an advantage over the rest, make good use of your time intelligently and do not waste your time on activities that are not important. 

It’s time to put all this into practice and let us know what your results were.

© 2019, All rights reserved, Aldin Consulting Group, LLC.
Daniel Alejandro Díaz Guerrero

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