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5 tips to Manage social media and succeed

Nov 09, 2020

If I had to define this era in one word, I would say "Connectivity", because all technology in some way or another ends up being summarized in being connected to something or someone. And an essential part of that connectivity are social networks.


Currently there are thousands of social networks connecting millions of people around the world, an honorable example of this sites is Facebook, which with almost 2,200 million users is the king of connectivity. Today it´s one of the most powerful engines of social interaction in the world and 13 years after its creation it is the most influential and powerful advertising communication channel on earth.


In a series of surveys carried out with hundreds of experts in digital marketing on the 30 most powerful social networks in the world, it was concluded that there are 5 things that determine success in managing social networks and of course you should not forget them when doing business through these virtual communities.


  1. Be present in at least two different social networks.

This should be a careful choice since with so many options choosing where to publish your content can sound like a complicated task.


Maintaining a social network requires perseverance, a dose of patience and the design of a correct experience, whether you offer a product or a service, your customers must love the experience of browsing your networks and only then will they become your loyal followers.


Remember that all your social networks must be correctly linked to your home page or your online store in an obvious and simple way so that your follower becomes your customer at the click of a button.


  1. Know your followers

And this is a basic principle of business and marketing. Knowing your ideal client means knowing what they like to see and where, it can help you save a lot of time, money and headaches, since being in the ideal network the search engines will help you work in the best synchrony with your clients.


A social network is part of your service so you must not forget to answer EVERYONE! You never know when any of your followers will be ready to be your client, so it is recommended to have personalized attention, not be elitist or discriminate against anyone and give your best.


** A pro-tip ask your best customers what they would like to see and strengthen your networks with that information **


  1. Offer value in every post.

Don't you hate pages that look like they were written by a robot?


And although most of us do, many times we don't realize that we end up posting content on our networks as if we were a printing press from the 50s, totally impersonal, unattractive and completely devoid of feelings.


The most important thing about networks is that they are made by people for people, you have to provide quality information, in a casual and fun way, with attractive titles, good visual elements and with content related not only to your product to service, but primarily related to the interests of your client.


The best network pages have varied content, from different users, with eye-catching elements (many dogs) and short links, designed for the best user experience for their target market.


  1. Calendarize your posts,

Planning is the key to success and if you don't believe it, in our online course "the keys to success" we always talk about how: "if it's not written it won't happen."


Social networks are not a simple game, the user is used to a visual commitment, to a continuous subscription and to judging each element of the publications on networks, so I reiterate that planning is important.


Ask yourself what will be those important posts that you should post at the beginning for everyone to see and which ones will be complementing those ideas.


Plan when to put an image, when a video and when to go live, everything can be as simple as scheduling in the calendar and publishing it little by little or you can support yourself with a CRM that will make your life easier by helping you publish at specific times and with the appropriate #Hashtags.


This of course being careful not to saturate them and become spam.


  1. Share at the right time.

The right moment is a fundamental part, there are specific moments where the networks are more saturated with certain people who can see you and react in a better way.


For example, teenagers tend to use them in the afternoons while working adults do it early in the morning and late at night, older adults will take advantage of the noon to connect, Remember to know who you are addressing and connect at the time of best exposure for them.


I hope that these tips will help you improve the experience that your clients have with you, remember each case is different and I recommend you do a market study to find out which is the best network to reach your target market.

The more specific you are in their needs and their tastes, the better results you will have.



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