The art of making decisions
Jan 27, 2020
There is a big difference between wanting and needing and even though we are sometimes able to identify them, it can be very difficult to make the right decisions when we are controlled by the emotions, wishes, and impulses of each moment.
When we act on impulse because of emotions and we opt for what we want and not just for what we need it can give us great satisfaction, however, it can also give us regret if our choice does not turn out like we wanted.
But how can you learn to identify what we want from what we need?
It all depends on our particular situation. Your needs are not going to be the same as another person’s.
Let’s set aside for a moment the basic needs like shelter, clothing, food and water to sustain your body, and let’s center on other objects that are going to totally change depending on each situation.
For example, for an attorney that only works in an office, buying a professional camera can be just a wish, however for a photographer it is his tool to earn, which means that if it breaks he won’t have any income therefore it becomes a need.
The same applies to each particular case. An Apple computer could be an unnecessary purchase for a person that uses common programs, but it could be a need for someone who uses video editing or design programs. In a nutshell, the idea is to learn to recognize if we really need a specific object or if it’s only a wish that can be substituted by something else. In this example, the computer can be substituted with another make and model that has the equivalent features in the specifications and that can be used for the same activities with no problem.
But, what happens with activities?
The reality is the same, when we face the dilemma of not having enough time to do everything we would like to do we have to review which activities we need to do to meet our work responsibilities or goals that we have set for ourselves and which are simply wishes.
It’s not about setting our wishes aside and only focus on work, but we have to be conscious of needing to have balance in our lives and at the same time identify the activities that are related to our personal goals.
Maybe your personal goal is to spend more time with your family and for this, a necessary activity would be to finish all your pending tasks in the office so that you don’t bring work home.
As we said in the beginning, each person will have different needs and it’s necessary to start thinking about yours, and that you constantly evaluate them. The world is changing and the needs at each step of the way will be changing, maybe you are starting a new project or a surprise comes into your life that changes the plans you had and you have to modify your goals and thus look at which activities are necessary and which ones are wishes.
Some advice in order to know if what is in front of you is a need or a wish:
- Review what you already have. Many times you will find that your needs are already resolved and that what you are planning would only be something additional that will not bring you much value.
- Stop and consider. Many times we act on impulse, stop to consider the impact it will have if you invest you resources and if it doesn’t bring you a benefit greater than a momentary feeling of satisfaction, avoid it. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you made the right decision and that it will be longer-lasting.
- Get organized. Just like in finance you can prepare a budget that will help you define whether you will make a purchase or not, you can do the same with time. Get organized, know what you want to accomplish ahead of time and know which activities are necessary to make it easier to decide if it’s worth it or not to invest in that new activity.
Remember that the resources we have are limited, let’s imagine a financial scenario, we do not have all the money in the world to buy everything that we see, therefore we have to decide what we want to spend or invest our money on in order to benefit us or cover our needs and give us the chance to have certain luxuries or buy something we had wanted.
In the same way, the time we have on our hands is finite. We have to decide where we want to invest it and whether that will result in further resources or if we’re just wasting it.
It’s time you put this into practice, remember that all change requires patience and perseverance. Don’t give up if it seems difficult at the beginning, practice makes the master.
Don’t forget to let us know what you think and what results you got.
© 2020, All Rights Reserved, Aldin Consulting Group, LLC.
Daniel Alejandro Díaz Guerrero
[email protected]
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