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The magic of “how to” through a positive attitude

balance commitment positive attitude Feb 24, 2020

Each day we find different situations that are not always what we were expecting, but it’s in our hands to decide how we are going to face them and what we can do to improve those situations.

From the moment we wake up, it’s in our hands to decide to start the day in a bad mood, with optimism, joy, sadness, etc.  And during the whole day we have the possibility of making the decision of how to receive and react to everything that presents itself.

We constantly attract to our lives the energies that we manifest.  If we have positive energy and treat every situation with optimism, we will find that positive outcomes come our way, if we are constantly giving off negative energy we will run across unpleasant situations at each step of our journey.  It’s not an easy process but here we will tell you how to identify positive attitudes.

Adopting a positive attitude helps us face everything that life throws at us day to day.  A positive attitude will turn you into an optimist and help you avoid many worries and negative thoughts.

To have a positive attitude is

  • A state of mind where you expect that everything happens for the best.  It’s the habit of believing that everything will turn out all right and of not allowing that negative thoughts, worries, or doubts prevail.
  • Constructive thoughts, you think of solutions and trust that you can find them.  It means being proactive regarding solutions to problems and not allowing every little change in plans to quell your motivation.
  • Creative thoughts observe the world from another perspective and look for creative solutions.  With a positive attitude you lose the fear of finding new and better ways to do things.
  • Optimism. This is one of the main characteristics, it means hope and trusting that situations will get better and that plans will turn out all right.
  • Motivation.  It’s the energy to execute and meet objectives.  When you are sure of yourself, you trust in your abilities and you don’t allow anything to knock you down, you become unstoppable.
  • Happiness.  A person with a positive attitude is usually happy.
  • Contagious. When you encounter a very positive person you will find that they will infect you with that positivity and you start to transform and think the same way.  Sometimes we are skeptical and we put barriers when faced with these types of thoughts, but ultimately they end up infecting everyone around them. 

One of the main benefits is that you will be more willing to look for solutions to the problems that come up during your day, thus avoiding the frustration that something did not go exactly according to plan or how you expected it to go.  It will give you the possibility to find how you will still accomplish what you plan to do and not think of the reasons that work against you and give up.

It’s a small change in the way you look at each situation in your life, but it generates an incredible change. We know it’s not easy, but we suggest that you try it, start doing it for one day, make an effort to stay that way one day at a time and you will see truly surprising outcomes. 

To motivate you we will give you 9 great benefits of having a positive attitude: 

  1. It attracts more happiness to your life.
  2. Obstacles or difficulties do not ruin your happiness.
  3. You turn into someone pleasant to talk to.
  4. It increases your confidence in your abilities and brings hope of a better future.
  5. It helps you reach your objectives and to be successful.
  6. It increases your energy, enthusiasm and curiosity.
  7. It generates motivation while you perform activities that will lead you to reach your objectives.
  8. It’s contagious and affects the people around you in a positive way.
  9. When you feel good and expect the best, life smiles at you.

To have a fulfilling and happy life, it’s not enough to have a positive attitude, you must also act that way, so that your actions are nearer to the results you aim for.  Always keep a positive attitude, life is much better this way. 


Remember it will not always be easy, and it’s the constant effort that will lead you to this change in how you look at life.  Make the effort to do it one day at a time and if you don’t succeed, don’t get frustrated, the next morning make the conscious decision to put forth your best effort and you will see that life will smile at you. 

It’s time to put all this to the test and to send us your results, we’d love to know that this helped you improve your life.

© 2019, All Rights Reserved, Aldin Consulting Group, LLC.
Daniel Alejandro Díaz Guerrero
[email protected]


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