10 ideas to generate income from home
May 18, 2020Every day thousands of new products and services appear and we feel that we can't compete, but as hard as it is to believe, there is a market for absolutely everyone. If you are thinking of starting a new business or launching a new product, you only need to do it intelligently and create a plan to ensure your success and create a lasting business.
The first thing that we have to take into account when creating an online business is clarity. Clarity in our strengths and weaknesses, in the industry in which we want to focus, in the type of company or business we want to create and how we are going to make our business profitable.
Something very important and that you must take into account is that we should never create a business for the simple fact of generating money ... What?
Yes, thinking only about money is a recipe for disaster.
The reason to create that business should be to solve a problem for others, to add value to your community and your customers and by default the money will come. The business you choose must be both satisfying and profitable for you to be motivated to do it every day.
A new business can be an additional source of income, or it can be your main source of income if you wish. But it is very important that you take into account that it is not a magic formula to become a millionaire overnight, nor will it be an easy process.
There are no shortcuts to create a new business. And regardless of how prepared you are or your level of education, there are no guarantees that your business will take off. I don't want to discourage you with all this. I just want to make it clear that it will require constant effort and dedication and even then it may not work, but remember that this will only be attempt # 1. You will have to learn along the way what works and what does not., There is a lot of information out there that you can lean on to remove many of the obstacles that come with creating a new business.
Now let's move on to the more positive part of this, Your own business can give you many freedoms that a conventional job cannot, although as we already mentioned, many times we have to work and try much more than we would in a conventional job. But guess what?, life has given us a perfect gift, the time to create something new in this uncertain time, so we have practically that problem solved.
We must focus on creating a company that lasts. The secret is to create value for others and solve a problem, so it is very important to find your passion.
When you use that passion to connect with other people, something incredible is created that generates both spiritual and economic wealth. And that is our goal when doing an online business especially with everything that is happening out there. We need more people willing to share their passion and spread it with the world.
There are 4 main types of online businesses that we can create and an endless number of hybrids in between these 4, what we want is that you take the information that we have for you and that you create your own idea and that you possibly invent a new type of hybrid. I will explain them to you.
Let's talk a little bit about digital business and physical business.
1. Digital businesses offer products such as blogs or vlogs (YouTube) e-books, digital courses, etc.
2. Other businesses where you can work from home, such as design services, accountants, consultancies, coaches, virtual assistants, etc.
3. Commercialization, having a website with different products that are purchased online and delivered to your home (Amazon is the perfect example)
4. Companies with presence on the web. Small companies such as beauty salons, painting classes, supermarkets, nowadays are already putting a lot of effort into online sales and that the user only comes to pick up their order or even have it sent to their home.
It may be that you already have a business idea or currently have a company that due to the contingency you have had to close or pause, but you have the possibility of using the internet as a tool to continue with your business or to start an independent project while this contingency passes. The important thing is to be creative and remember to serve your community and solve a problem.
Some examples of online businesses that you can generate during this contingency time are:
- Create your own subscription box , find the niche that is not saturated.
- Write a book, e-book, audio book, publish your own book.
- Create a course, product photos, exercises, painting, etc.
- Work from home on what you already did and sell it, adapt it to the internet.
- Be part of Affiliate programs, it is about offering in products and services and receive a sales commission.
- Virtual assistant, web pages, you put your skills and people hire you for hours or longer term. We can charge less than other countries and still have a very good profit.
- Coaching. Help someone else using your abilities.
- Sell products (food) using platforms such as "Uber eats", "Rappy" etc.
- Create YouTube channel, tutorials, business, entertainment
- Create podcast, create authority.
These examples are only some examples, you can create an interesting combination. If you spend some time researching you will find many other business options that you can do from home.
The important thing is to choose the one that you feel more comfortable with and will help you succeed and this often comes from the feeling that this is the right decision. It is a great idea to experiment a little with different possibilities and then choose the one that is the best option for you.
You may find out that:
• You don't consider any of your ideas to be good enough.
• You have too many interests and don't know which one to choose.
• You have an idea, but you are afraid it won't work.
The reality is that you will never know if you don't try, follow your instinct with the decision that seems best to you and try it.
- Add passion in whatever you do.
- Serve your community.
- Always create value.
- Never start a business just to make money.
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