Is it time to change?
Jul 15, 2019
Has it happened to you that sometimes you feel that you work and work and you not only don’t move forward, but you feel tired and at times upset, you talk with some people and they tell you “don’t worry, things will get better” or “everything will work out”. But what happens if you have been waiting for that and things are not improving?
During those moments we invite you to stop on your tracks and think about:
- What things are you doing right?
- Which ones are you doing wrong?
- Which ones can you improve?
All of this based on your goals, remember:
You will be able to achieve anything, if you know your goals.
Often what happens to us along the way is that we forget what we want to achieve, what excites us, what we are passionate about, what makes us daydream, that which thrills us.
Let’s be honest, we set our goals at the beginning of the year, right? But, how frequently do we review them? Establish an action plan to reach them? How often do we follow up?
Doesn’t it happen sometimes that you start your day with a certain objective in mind, today I will do “x”, you arrive at your office (or if you work for yourself, to the place you do it), you open your computer and you find an email you didn’t expect, about an issue you have to deal with immediately, or you are called to a meeting that you hadn’t planned to attend, or you have to present a report, or something comes up, right? And without even realizing it, you’ve already invested x number of hours on these unexpected events.
You are on your way home and feel somewhat frustrated because you couldn’t do what you had planned to do, you finish the week and could not accomplish much of what you had to do.
This happens to all of us, however, the key to achieving success is not to give up, to keep a positive attitude and plan for the unexpected. We know that these things will happen to us at any time, we recommend that when you plan your weekly activities, you don’t fill your schedule with a thousand things to do, fill it up with 80% of things that will help you reach your objectives, your dreams, and plan the rest of the time with things that, if need be, you can postpone and nothing will happen, it won’t stress you out.
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.
Don’t let anything divert you from you path, like we said, unexpected things will always come up, plan for them, don’t get discouraged, don’t get frustrated, rather, re-focus.
Another important point is, constantly evaluate how you are advancing towards your objectives, figure out a time to do it, it can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc., it depends on your goal or your objective. But schedule a time to do it.
Maybe when reviewing your objectives you will realize that some of your priorities have changed already and that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with that, the important thing is to reassess and proceed. This will allow you to move in a certain direction, go step by step towards your goals, advancing.
Don’t wait until the end of the year only to realize you did not accomplish what you wanted to, and that if you had reassessed something you could have accomplished it, “could have would have” is not useful, don’t you think?
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