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Best podcast for entrepreneurs

business entrepreneurs podcast Jul 06, 2020

As we have discussed before, technology is an entrepreneur's best friend, and yet the acquisition of knowledge, the collection of information, and learning about new tools can be a more complex task than it seems especially when we seek truthfulness and the quality of the information we receive.


And it would seem that despite all these tools that help us save time and be efficient, we have less and less time to invest it in our knowledge, for this podcasts were created, small nuclei of information created by experts and inexperienced people sharing their experiences, experiences and failures to give you a point of view so that you can learn in an easy and fun way, you can find them on places like YouTube, Spotify, TEDx, SoundCloud or their own websites and streaming platforms:


  1. The Mind Your Business Podcast

 James wedmore in more than 400 episodes is going to take you through a journey of fun and dynamic podcasts revolving around different topics related to entrepreneurship


  1. The $100 MBA

The $100 MBA Show is a new kind of podcast where you simply get better at business with our real business lessons from real entrepreneurs in the real world.


  1. HBR IdeaCast

This podcast is created by the Harvard University magazine and has the participation of the best  Universities, their professors and entrepreneurs, from around the world, so you can learn from the best on the best ways to manage your business.


  1. Entrepreneurs On Fire

In this is an amazing podcast focused on business and finances John Lee Dumas has interviewed more than 2000 of the most amazing entrepreneurs and they talk about their experience, their business, the struggle and the solutions in a fun and resourceful podcast that will make you keep asking for more.


  1. The BizChix

Natalie Eckdahl, MBA is a coach to high performing women. Natalie helps women entrepreneurs own their role as CEO through her business trainings, on air coaching calls and expert interviews. Learn how to master your mindset, grow as a leader, refine your strategies, build your team and gain visibility in your industry. Natalie is also an expert in outsourcing at home and at work.


  1. Growth Experts (English)

Its presenter Dennis Brown, separating himself from traditional marketing practices, shows us growth techniques for entrepreneurs in his podcast with more than 100 podcasts on Spotify Growth Experts with Dennis Brown Growth Experts with Dennis Brown


  1. Ted Talks:

They are very popular conferences in the world of entrepreneurship, a platform where you find everything you need, here we can listen to more than 3,400 experiences of experts and personalities such as Bill Gates or Segeybin, as well as information related to motivation and leadership.


  1.  + 1. Success Entrepreneur:

Do not forget to visit our productive talks on YouTube with our channel where we will talk in spanish about various topics that will help you to be a better entrepreneur taking into account all aspects of your life.


Remember that the best thing about podcasts is that in most of them we can get the testimony of entrepreneurs who have been successful, including the failures they went through during their lives. So enjoy all this material and learn a lot from all these authors.

© 2020, all rights reserved, Aldin Consulting Group, LLC.

Fernando Díaz Guerrero

[email protected]

Editor: Erika Vázquez

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