Taking a Break, the Secret to Productivity
Nov 11, 2019For many generations we have believed that working long hours and losing sleep for the companies we work with will help us go above and beyond our goals and undoubtedly lead us to the top of the success ladder, however, you must think about working intelligently:
• Knowing when to focus your mind on certain activities.
• How much time to dedicate to work.
• Which are the most effective work techniques.
• Keeping a perfect balance among all those activities that will have an important impact on our lives.
• Without forgetting to rest.
This time we will talk about rest, first we will talk about physical rest.
This rest is exclusively about sleep, for an adult it is recommended that this activity be done 6 to 8 hours daily, this range will allow your body to renew, cleanse, and repair any area it needs to.
Sleeping is one of the most simple and forgotten activities for a working adult, and while there may be days when there is no other option than to sacrifice some hours of sleep, the normal concept should be to get enough rest.
People who spend the necessary hours resting have a greater rate of productivity, a greater capacity to focus and to retain information and generally have a more positive mindset.
The second but no less important part is mental rest, the world today has an excessive consumerism culture that has taught us to keep things that we don’t need at home, in our lives, but especially in our minds, just as you periodically take out the trash at home, you must clean and discard things in your mind.
The most powerful weapon in our bodies is the brain and it is an expert in using all the elements it has, both to solve problems and create solutions as well as to sabotage our thoughts and to magnify things that can be very simple if you look at them from a different point of view.
Suggestions to achieve mental rest:
1. Meditation is one of the most used exercises to directly free up our mind since it employs a moment of introspection and a literal cleansing of what is creating unnecessary emotional loads.
People who have good mental habits tend to mix logic with creativity when it comes to conflict resolution and they tend to be better receptors of critiques and self-evaluations, additionally, they have greater self-esteem and a great attitude in life.
2. Hobbies, as we mentioned in one of our previous blogs, are ideal tools to rest your mind as well as your body in a balanced way, since they help you to change your point of view of things and help you free up thinking space in your brain. This directly affects how you make decisions and the correct use and development of your personal abilities.
3. Doing sports is a highly recommended activity to rest your mind. Doing sports helps release the hormones that are in charge of optimizing your body’s and your mind’s performance, resting the muscles that are tense from your daily routine, this will help you think more clearly and to work better with highly efficient teams.
Combining these activities will let you have better balance in your thoughts, you will be able to focus better on different activities and you will be much more productive professionally.
So get up from that desk and go rest your favorite way.
© 2019, All rights reserved, Aldin Consulting Group, LLC.
Fernando Díaz Guerrero
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