Which one is the correct tool for you?
Jul 08, 2019
We have all heard that the appropriate use of technology tools to increase our productivity is of vital importance and it’s true, most of them are available today as apps for cell phones or pc’s, however Google Play has more than 3.5 million apps available for downloading, 10-15% of which are focused on helping you be more productive, from very general ones to very detailed ones, and it is here that the question of the week arises, which ones are the appropriate ones for me? Choosing only one can leave you wanting in some areas and choosing too many can have the opposite of the desired effect.
So, how to choose? Well, this definitely depends on how you like to work and how much connectivity you want with the people around you.
#1 Check what apps your closest co-workers are using, one of the greatest benefits of the digital era is connectivity, there are applications that allow you to share notes, files, events, tasks, and responsibilities in seconds with others using the same app. Normally, apps like Evernote, OneNote, Google calendar, Asana, Trello, Monday.com, among others, allow you to share your work in different ways with those team members, yet keep some files private if you wish.
#2 Analyze what your biggest need is, your job has demands that are different from anyone else’s, even within your same company, so think about what it is you are really struggling with and find the best solution for it, for example, if I’m a person who has a specific routine with actions that do not vary very much, an app that manages my time will not be in my interest as opposed to a person with a variable and flexible work schedule who may need to schedule meetings or jobs.
#3 Review your limits, there are apps that cap their uses, either as a general rule or because they want you to upgrade to a paying level, most of the limits have to do with storage used, available downloads, number of users, number of transactions per day, personalizing features, usage time, etc. Keeping all of this in mind before investing your time programming it will help you make better decisions and avoid wasting your time.
#4 Look for an option that fits your budget, many apps charge to download them or charge you to use some of their special features, it’s important that you check how much you will use those special features before you subscribe since there could be better options out there that do what you want, at a better price.
The suggestion is, always start with free trials to make sure you can get the most out of them, apps like Dropbox and Google Drive charge for the amount of storage in the cloud, or project management apps that charge per user within your team like Monday.com or Trello, it’s better to try them first since maybe you don’t need to pay for 100 users if only 3 are going to use it.
#5 Ask for recommendations and tutorials from people you trust, many times these apps have more functions than the ones they promote directly, and finding one such key feature to advance your performance would be ideal, normally pages from YouTube to linda.com offer a variety of tutorials, both at no cost and with a subscription, learning the functions and benefits of your apps and tools will help you be more efficient.
#6 find your perfect mix and look for connectivity, the good thing about having such a large variety of apps is that we can mix them and connect them so that they work even better, this will help you have more control and automatic sync will help you be more efficient, for example, if you make your to-do list in Asana you can add it to your Monday.com project manager, make a map in Gantt, sync it with your Google calendar, share it with your employees in workbeat and sell your product in Zoho. Synching your activities, outcomes, and optimizing your time.
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Fernando Díaz Guerrero
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