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Continuous improvement, your secret weapon balance continuous improvement focus Apr 20, 2020

Stephen Covey, in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", one of the best- selling books internationally, talks about the importance of keeping up to date, he calls it: Sharpen the Saw. And now that we have time, what better chance to do so.

What does the concept Sharpen the Saw mean?...

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Actions to take during uncertain times focus goals positive attitude take action Mar 30, 2020

It’s undeniable that we are going through times of great uncertainty, just a few weeks ago we were joking about Friday the 13th, we would receive our checks a couple of times a month and perhaps we were making travel plans for Spring Break, Holy Week, Summer, etc. 

And suddenly, only a...

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The art of saying NO focus saying no Mar 16, 2020

Nobody likes to be the bad guy of the movie, many times we find ourselves saying YES to something because we feel obligated, or because we are the type of people who like to please, although we really want to say no, since we know that if we commit to more things, we’ll set aside other...

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Write down your ideas and get better results. balance focus habits strategy Mar 09, 2020

In this dynamic and changing world, if we don’t prioritize, we’ll go crazy.  
There are times when I’m driving and I remember something that I have to do, or I’m listening to a podcast or an audiobook and I hear an idea that seems interesting enough to investigate,...

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Do more in less time, the best productivity technique focus project management single tasking time management Mar 01, 2020

Efficient time management and successfully maintaining your focus during certain periods are 2 activities that are in crisis, and they need all our concentration to help them.

Nowadays we have more distractions around us, which leads to fragile and sensitive periods of complete focus, which in...

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The Art of Getting to the Point communication focus Sep 16, 2019
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The cost of Distractions distractions focus Aug 19, 2019

First of all, I want to say that distractions are not all that bad and that statistically, distracted persons have the great potential to find solutions to problems in ways that are unique and different.  With that being said, today we will talk about the cost of distractions while we are...

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Saving money? What for? focus planning saving Aug 12, 2019

Very few people these days are in the habit of saving money.  Not only for future purchases we would like to make but also to be prepared for a future that’s full of uncertainty and changes.  It’s important to consider that for younger people in different countries in Latin...

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Avoid working when overwhelmed focus Jun 24, 2019

Feeling overwhelmed is by definition a saturation of thoughts that create worry, fatigue and stress and it is then that our brain, in order to protect itself from overload, avoids having thoughts that could give us clarity to look for solutions, take action, and think properly.

The highly...

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Get up 30 min earlier focus planning May 20, 2019

Many times we complain that there’s not enough hours in a day to do everything we’d like to do or what’s on our To Do list.  But there’s a little secret that will help you feel very good throughout the day and that will help you achieve much more than what you are...

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