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Tips para ayudarte a ser Productivo y Creativo

Should I get up early? 6 Benefits of Getting up an Hour Earlier. balance personal development success successful minds Aug 24, 2020

For most people it's not easy to get up early, but there are a lot of benefits to getting up early, from better performance at school or work to being better able to stick to a plan.

Here we tell you what other benefits you can get if you get up early:


  •  Helps you maintain a...
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Financial Freedom Formula business entrepreneurship finance financial freedom success Aug 03, 2020

What does financial freedom mean? Having enough savings, investments, cash on hand to be able to do the things we want to do, whether in our businesses or in our personal lives.

Financial freedom is quality of life for our families and ourselves. Is to have healthy finances (debt free) in...

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5 Books for Successful Entrepreneurs books recomendations sharpen the saw success Jun 22, 2020

Regardless of the experience you have as an entrepreneur, whether you are starting your business or already have some successful ones, it is always good to learn from others and what better way to learn from the experts than by reading some of the best books for entrepreneurs. .

If you remember...

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Where do I start? 5 tips to manage change business change entrepreneurship positive attitude success Jun 01, 2020

We would have never imagined that we would have to get on a really long waiting line to get into the grocery store and that when we could finally enter we would find out that there are no more essential things like meat, eggs, vegetables, toilet paper, etc. because a lot of people panicked and...

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Perfection, the enemy of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship lifestyle perfection perfectionism success May 11, 2020

There’s a saying that goes: “the perfect is the enemy of the good”. When we start a new project we want everything to turn out perfect.  This is based on the need to perpetuate an image that projects excellence, superiority and perfection and within all this, perfectionism...

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Avoiding excuses, looking for the how not the why not action excuses objectives positive attitude success May 04, 2020

Excuses are lies that our brain tells us to make us feel better, most of the time it’s because we want to feel better at that moment, and our brain tries to convince us with convincing arguments why not to do things. 

The truth behind the excuses is that it’s possible we want...

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Walk the talk… leading by example attitude balance benefits goals results success Apr 27, 2020

Would you go see an overweight physician to see about a diet that can help you lose weight?

There are countless examples in which we see that people don’t follow their own advice, however, this can make professionals lose all their credibility with their clients.

These days there is a lot...

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The art of making decisions balance decision goals success Jan 27, 2020

There is a big difference between wanting and needing and even though we are sometimes able to identify them, it can be very difficult to make the right decisions when we are controlled by the emotions, wishes, and impulses of each moment.

When we act on impulse because of emotions and we opt for...

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6 Actions to Avoid Procrastination action performance procrastinating productivity success tips Jan 13, 2020

Today we will talk about what for many is the archenemy of productivity and it’s the cause of why people go home at the end of the work day without having finished all that is pending … it’s called “procrastination”.

But what is procrastinating?

The most direct...

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5 words for an attitude of Success success Sep 09, 2019

When talking about human beings in general, especially about those little things that make us relate to other people, be it your partner, your family, you friends, your business partners, your co-workers and subordinates, we find that a fundamental factor is communication, and not only the simple...

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Avoid negative thoughts that hold you back success thoughts Jul 22, 2019

Many times we find unique opportunities in our path and we decide not to take them because of our own negative thoughts, those are the only signals we send to our brain, and they carry with them emotional baggage that leads us to believe that the best decision is to let that opportunity pass...

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