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Should I get up early? 6 Benefits of Getting up an Hour Earlier. balance personal development success successful minds Aug 24, 2020

For most people it's not easy to get up early, but there are a lot of benefits to getting up early, from better performance at school or work to being better able to stick to a plan.

Here we tell you what other benefits you can get if you get up early:


  •  Helps you maintain a...
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Walk the talk… leading by example attitude balance benefits goals results success Apr 27, 2020

Would you go see an overweight physician to see about a diet that can help you lose weight?

There are countless examples in which we see that people don’t follow their own advice, however, this can make professionals lose all their credibility with their clients.

These days there is a lot...

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Continuous improvement, your secret weapon balance continuous improvement focus Apr 20, 2020

Stephen Covey, in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", one of the best- selling books internationally, talks about the importance of keeping up to date, he calls it: Sharpen the Saw. And now that we have time, what better chance to do so.

What does the concept Sharpen the Saw mean?...

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How to get results despite the circumstances balance results self-improvement wellbeing Apr 13, 2020

Historically, crises have made humanity stronger, people have developed a greater sense of empathy because of what’s happening around them and have developed solutions to common problems in innovative and impressive ways. 

One of the most important factors when facing difficult times...

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5 benefits of relaxing at work balance relax Mar 23, 2020

It’s good to be at home, maybe you feel more relaxed, you save time, you take advantage of your free time, however you may also be experiencing negative situations like a lack of organization, stress, little productivity, and in a few days you will be begging to go back to your office...

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Write down your ideas and get better results. balance focus habits strategy Mar 09, 2020

In this dynamic and changing world, if we don’t prioritize, we’ll go crazy.  
There are times when I’m driving and I remember something that I have to do, or I’m listening to a podcast or an audiobook and I hear an idea that seems interesting enough to investigate,...

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The magic of “how to” through a positive attitude balance commitment positive attitude Feb 24, 2020

Each day we find different situations that are not always what we were expecting, but it’s in our hands to decide how we are going to face them and what we can do to improve those situations.

From the moment we wake up, it’s in our hands to decide to start the day in a bad mood, with...

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Changing the Way We Think About Stress attitude balance positivism Feb 10, 2020

by Susanna Clavello, Emotional Wellness & Personal Growth Coach [email protected] 


Stress can be defined in many ways. According to the American Psychological Association, for example, stress is “a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but can become...

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The art of making decisions balance decision goals success Jan 27, 2020

There is a big difference between wanting and needing and even though we are sometimes able to identify them, it can be very difficult to make the right decisions when we are controlled by the emotions, wishes, and impulses of each moment.

When we act on impulse because of emotions and we opt for...

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How to plan vacations despite your busy schedule balance organization productivity Dec 23, 2019

For many people around the world, this week marks the beginning of winter vacations, which is considered one of the busiest weeks of the year since the timing goes hand in hand with the Christmas and new Year’s celebrations.

Our hope is that you start 2020 fabulously, that’s why we...

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Taking a Break, the Secret to Productivity balance taking a break Nov 11, 2019

For many generations we have believed that working long hours and losing sleep for the companies we work with will help us go above and beyond our goals and undoubtedly lead us to the top of the success ladder, however, you must think about working intelligently:

• Knowing when to focus your...

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The importance of hobbies balance Jul 29, 2019

I’d like to start this blog siding with the belief that all of us human beings are different, we have a set of abilities and tastes that, combined with our experience, make us unique and inimitable, now, that authenticity derives from our past experiences, is guided by our mentors, and...

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